Friday, December 25, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Just because

While Frankie and his dad work on the house, I thought Hailey and I could get a little shopping done. I put her down in her car seat and turn my head and the little munchkin is crawling out of the seat! I can't turn my head for one second with this little girl.


Mmmm. Cereal yummy.DSC_0588.JPG

Yay Christmas time!DSC_0571.JPG

It's cold outside. Momma says I have to wear my hat.DSC_0533.JPG

Are you kidding me? Did you feel how cold it was outside?DSC_0470.JPG

Hailey came home from school one day and shed her clothes and plopped herself down to enjoy one of her books. DSC_0497.JPG


More books! They're fun to read and they also taste yummy!DSC_0443.JPG


I just has to post a pic of Fozzie. He's so protective of his little sister. He sleeps by her window every night and doesn't even mind when she pulls his hair.DSC_0560.JPG

DSC_0525.JPGWe love you too Vince.DSC_0953.JPG

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The girlies are in town! Hans and Kelly too!

The girlies, Hans an his fiancee, Kelly came to town for the holidays this past week. We had lunch at Lisa's house. Here are a few pics of the fun we had.

The girlies were so helpful when Frankie and I grabbed a bite to eat. Hailey loves the sweater and jeans Aunt Lisa bought her.


DSC_0651.JPGThe newlyweds to be.


Look out Hans. She looks like a natural.


DSC_0671.JPGI think Hailey is trying to get Gramma to tell her what she's getting for Christmas.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thanksgiving time! Better late than never

Where do we begin?  I wish we had a good reason as to why we haven't updated in over a month but we can't think of one. With the renovations to the house and work being so hectic, any free moment we have is spent playing with Hailey. By the time she goes to bed, Frankie and I make a quick dinner and then its lights out around 9:00pm. I promise to do a much better job of updating the blog so friends and family can keep up with our little Hailey Paige Ramirez.

Let's see. Ah yes. Thanksgiving. Wasn't that like a month ago? We did manage to take pics since our last post so all isn't lost.

We took our customary trip up to OKC to see Grandma and Pupup (Hailey's great grandparents) and the rest of the family. But first we stopped by to see Hailey's Papa and Grandma in Edmond and hooked up with Hailey's cousin Taylor and family.




Off to Grandmother's house we go. Everyone was excited to see the girls. Frankie was excited to see the food.

Hailey and her great grandparents.DSC_0219.JPG


Here's Aunt Jennifer and Gray.DSC_0189.JPG

Oh, and Frankie's favorite. Grandma set aside a turkey leg just for Frankie.


Too much tryptophan for Hailey. She passed out in the first quarter of the Cowboy's game.
