Sunday, September 27, 2009

How is it possible?

To love someone so much? We're been trying our best to capture every moment we can with Hailey so today's post will be a collection of some of our favorite pics over the last week.

DSC_0490.JPGWhat could Frankie have possibly said to make her laugh this hard?DSC_0519.JPGWhat a sweet little girl.DSC_0507.JPG


This is what happens when I ask Frankie to watch Hailey for a minute while I get bottles ready.DSC_0576.JPG


We love it when Gramma and Grampa come by!DSC_0609.JPG


Hailey's newest outfit from Gramma SchumanDSC_0737.JPG

Looks like it's time to move to the big girl bed. This little girl squirms all over the place!DSC_0744.JPG

DSC_0748.JPGMy new shopping outfit!DSC_0853.JPGWe took these in succession and we're not sure what point she was trying to get across.DSC_0668.JPG



Here she is again trying to say something really important.DSC_0718.JPGSuch a long day. Can't even stay awake to let out a little burp. Night, night.DSC_0763.JPG


  1. I love that last picture! Lilly does the same thing! I like those little snores she makes when she is too tired to burp!
    What a darling little girl you have!

  2. I just saw these! Hailey is so precious!! :)
